What was I up to in APRIL 2018

I put great store in blogging at least one a month, keeping a site up to date with some bit of news or trivia!!!! – but somehow or other April escaped me. My excuse – I was busy attending night classes in  Web Design using Word Press and I certainly learned a lot. Our tutor set us up with a “play site” each where we could practise the various elements of web design. She also encouraged us to work on  a “real site” and so I used the site I manage for the Kildare Retired Teachers organisation as well as this one to hone my skills. My April entry on the Kildare teachers’ site was about the annual outing.

My entries on the play site were all to do with the class/home work. Here’s what I wrote about “pages”:

There’ll be lotsa talk about PAGES on this course and I need to get it straight in my head – So THIS is an example PAGE. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in my site navigation hopefully (in most themes).

It’s the home page – so it should explain why I am here?

In 2013 a parent established a Web Page for school. I started doing a bit of blogging on the site but the set-up and the format had been established for me. I merely had to come up with content and fill it in as if on “a template”.

THEN I got a present of a blog – I’m a diary keeper – so this was just another way of keeping my musings – those that I didn’t mind people reading. AGAIN A GREAT EXPERIENCE but very little technical know-how….got there by luck rather than design!

Made eye contact when a blog was required for Retired Teachers’ group  and found myself with a job. As I had some experience with the ‘wordpress template’ I went online and tried a “do it yourself” setup with wordpress. Got so far and then had to call on my expert.


Now I want to know a bit more – why and how things happen – so HERE I AM



Author: Breda Fay

I'm retired since end August 2016 and loving the new life! More time now for family and friends and to explore craft, history, travel and certainly more of a chance for, me-time. To paraphrase Seuss: I've no tears that (teaching) is over; but many smiles that it happened!

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