A few years ago an online challenge swept the internet. So many people I knew were participants in THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE. It involved posting a video of the dumping of a bucket of ice and water over a person’s head, either by another person or self. Originally to raise awareness of motor neuron disease it succeeded in raising more than $115 million over the summer of 2014.
A recent challenge is now hitting Twitter (although I only spotted it on Facebook) and its purpose is to promote reading. You are invited to post an image of a book you love without any comment or explanation every day for a week and nominate a fellow reader to do the same each day.
Although I have not been nominated it did give me the idea of posting 7 books that I have enjoyed – I cannot say they are my favourites – I have so many favourites – but they do illustrate the wide selection of reading material I have enjoyed.
It was also extremely interesting to see other’s choices of books.
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